Critical Connections
About Critical Connections
The Critical Connections initiative bolsters the upgrade and enhancement of connective infrastructure, such as bridges, ports, airports and ferry systems, that provide critical access to communities - especially those in rural and Tribal jurisdictions. Through the provision of technical assistance, the PNWER RIA identifies and evaluates financing solutions for local projects that can enhance our region’s corridors and gateways. Although these projects are localized, they have a substantial economic impact to their communities and the broader Pacific Northwest region. Continue reading to learn more about these important connectivity projects!
Hood River/White Salmon Bridge Replacement
The Hood River/White Salmon Interstate Bridge provides a vital connection for Oregon and Washington state residents and visitors to the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. With a local economy dependent on interstate travel, the bridge is a critical link for residents, visitors, recreation and industry on both sides of the river. The nearly one-mile long bridge was built in 1924 and is now nearing the end of its usable life.
The PNWER RIA is supporting the Hood River White Salmon Bridge Authority (Bridge Authority) in navigating federal credit program gap financing for the replacement of the Hood River/White Salmon Bridge. The Bridge Authority submitted their TIFIA Letter of Interest (LOI) in June 2024, and have since received their indicative credit rating. Currently, the PNWER RIA team is supporting the Bridge Authority as they secure additional sources of funding to fully fund the project.
Yakutat Transportation Infrastructure
The City and Borough of Yakutat has three interconnected transportation projects aimed at enhancing economic stability and climate resilience.
Replacing the 63-year-old Small Boat Harbor/Ocean Cape Facility Dock, which serves local residents and seafood processors
Repairs to Max Italio Drive, a critical roadway, are necessary to address erosion, extreme weather and unstable roadbed materials caused by climate change
Expanding the multi-purpose dock to improve economic opportunities and community safety by separating seafood processing operations from ferry services, as well as accommodating larger ocean vessels
The RIA will support the city and borough in exploring project bundling and innovative financing strategies to fund the three important infrastructure projects.
College of Western Idaho Housing & Transit Joint Development
College of Western Idaho (CWI), located in Treasure Valley, ID, is pursuing a redevelopment of its campus. Valley Regional Transit (VRT), Treasure Valley’s transit authority, is exploring opportunities to use Transportation Infrastructure Financing and Innovation Act (TIFIA) funding to support the joint development of transit infrastructure to complement new affordable student housing. The PNWER RIA will support VRT in its eligibility analysis for TIFIA funding to determine if the project is a good candidate for the credit program.
Canyon County Transit Center Joint Development
Valley Regional Transit has identified a redevelopment opportunity at the Canyon County Transit Center. Canyon County includes the western portion of the Treasure Valley, and includes the towns of Nampa and Caldwell.
The PNWER RIA will support Valley Regional Transit in exploring Transit Oriented Development funding opportunities to bolster the redevelopment of the county’s transit center.
Project Partners
Alaska Municipal League
A member-based service organization composed of Alaska’s local governments that works to strengthen Alaska’s cities and boroughs through the provision of technical assistance.
Valley Regional Transit
Treasure Valley’s regional public transportation authority, responsible for the management of public bus transit, specialized van services, paratransit and more.